Associate Director Sejal Sekhar is currently a freshman at Visitation Academy, informally known as “Viz” in the St. Louis area. She worked with her high school administration to create Viz Virtual Dress Down Day, which will be held on Monday, May 11th. During the event, faculty, students, and alumni will wear their favorite school gear and donate to The entire team at EndingCovid extends a sincere thank you to the Visitation for their collaboration.
UPDATE (5/12/20): Thanks to Viz Virtual Dress Down Day, we were able to raise our highest single-day donations total. Associate Director Sejal Sekhar coordinated the entire event and hosted a media takeover on Viz’s social media platforms. Through her efforts, she was able to raise awareness about the disproportionate effects of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations and the story behind why she helped create EndingCOVID. Amazing work Sejal!