[A note from Nathan Graber-Lipperman, founder of Unplugg'd]
During a pandemic the likes of which we haven’t seen in over a century, I’ve thought a lot about why. Why release this piece? For starters, it’s pretty personal, and vulnerable, and — like seemingly everything I write — long. Past just that, though, there’s this: "If your greatest problem right now is boredom, that is a privilege. And while this describes what is the relative adaptability that some of us experience it fails to acknowledge that it is the outlier — a lot of folks will not be fine at all," — Astead W. Herndon, NYT.I’ve been working on this story since December. It’s been difficult to write for a myriad of reasons, chief among them being school, personal life, and the content of the story itself.
The reality of the situation, though, is that I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on the last seven months or so. It’s a cruel twist of irony, a privilege I don’t take for granted. While people working extremely important jobs deemed “essential” by the government — nurses, grocery workers, and mail carriers — are putting themselves in harm’s way every single day out of necessity, I get to hang out inside my well-stocked home with my loving family, writing about struggles that pale in comparison to what people are facing each and every day.
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